Hi guys, we’re really, REALLY excited to announce the dates of our 2021 Scarborough ‘Awesome’ Weekender – 21st to 24th May, 2021. If you’ve not been before we’re really sorry that you missed out. However, now’s your chance to join in the fun and have an awesome weekend with new friends.

Awesome teachers, DJ’s and venue help us make an awesome atmosphere and you’ll have an awesome time!!! Two nights or three, we’d encourage you take the Friday and Monday off work and make it THE WEEKEND of your year, but if you’re happy for a 2 night short break, well that rocks TOO :O)

Check our Scarborough ‘AWESOME’ Weekender page here or get in touch with Becky or myself for more details, we’d love to have you join us.

Have an awesome day, love and peace,

Paul :O)

Hi guys, I hope you’re all keeping well in these strange and uncertain Covid 19 times. We’re still closed, but we’re thinking about what we can do to help you with your dancing and get you primed and ready for when we re-open. We’re looking at video classes and maybe even zoom classes that you can join in with. If you have any fun and/or funky ideas for us please drop me an email and we’ll see what we can come up with.

We always love talking to you guys so please drop us an email or why not connect with us at Facebook here.

Until we do start back please look after yourselves and keep yourselves safe from Covid 19. If you’re in need please reach out to us and we’ll help in any way we can. We may not have all the answers, but dance is a massive community and we may be able to put you in contact with someone that can help.

Love and peace to you all,

Paul xx :O)

Due to the excessively warm weather we’ve decided to let you know about our Pulse summer closing of our Washingborough Salsa and Jive classes for the month of August. We’ll be re-opening again as normal from the first Thursday in September – the 5th. No other events are affected. Enjoy your summer and we’ll see you again on the 5th :O)

If you’d like to check out our diary of upcoming events then please click here. We have loads of stuff coming up and we;re sure you’ll want to join us for some fun learning.

See you all soon I hope, love and peace,

Paul :O)

Our Awesome weekender was amazing and we’ve had such a great time in Scarborough. Huge thanks to teachers Sara White and Tracey & Melvin for their fabulous lessons. Everyone learnt so much over the whole of the weekend. Thanks also goes to DJ Kerry B for her fabulous tunes in the Jive Ballroom. The dancefloors were seriously rocking.

Next year we hope to be bigger and better than ever before. For more info please visit our weekender page and to book your place. We’ve already had over 50 people book their places in the first week of tickets being released!!! We’d love to have you join us and experience a Pulse-Dance weekender event. It’s big enough to have a great atmosphere, but small enough not for you to become isolated and forgotten about. We are a fun and friendly group, with teachers and crew that will always help and support you. Our ethos has always been inclusion, so don’t worry if you don’t know anyone – you will by the end of the first night!!!

A £20 per person deposit will secure your place and we can arrange a payment plan to help you spread the cost over the year. For more info please don’t hesitate to contact Paul or Becky and then get yourself something to look forward too.

We have a few Gender balanced freestyle tickets available for Friday/ Saturday & Sunday night freestyles…

Please contact us in advance to book your tickets – £20 per couple – this is a gender balanced weekender and as such we are gender balancing the freestyle.

Call Paul on 07768 395 825 or

Email: paul@pulse-dance.co.uk

Our weekender is on 6 weeks away and we can’t wait!!!

There’s still time to book on – sorry ladies – you’ll need to book with a man now to gender balance. You don’t have to room with him … contact us about sharing with another lady :O)

Last year’s event was ‘Awesome’ and we have a great line up of teachers and DJ’s for your entertainment.

Please get in touch if you’d like more information.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the dancers that have supported our Nottingham class nights over the past 13 years. We’d also like to thank all the crew over the years for their huge help and support. All have been very much appreciated.

All our other events are unaffected – Thursday night’s in Lincoln, Collaboration, WCS and Tango workshops as well as our Scarborough weekender will still run as normal.

We look forward to seeing you on the dance floor soon 🙂

Paul & Becky xx

Due to the local election this Thursday we are unable to use Washingborough or Heighton Halls.

We have therefore decided to go out to eat instead!!!

We’ll be meeting at Yoyo’s in Lincoln at 8pm, please let Paul or Becky know you’re going so we can reserve enough places at the restaurant.

Back to normal next week.

Paul & Becky xx

New Classes and improved learning formats
Over the last few months Pulse has been taking stock of the way we teach and how dancers learn to dance – especially as beginners. In order to give the very best learning experience to new dancers we have radically altered the way we will be doing things in the future. All the crew at Pulse are very excited by the new changes and we hope that you will see a big improvement in the new dancers as they start to come through our new learning system. Below are more details, plus information on our new Referral Bonus Scheme:

Salsa Beginners Classes in Nottingham
We are excited to tell you about our *NEW* Salsa classes starting on Tuesday 2nd May.
Classes will run from 7.30 to 8.30pm and our first 4 week Beginner Course will be limited to just 20 dancers.
As you’ll be booking for 4 weeks we will be doing an offer of 4 nights for the price of 3 (just £15).
After the 4 week course dancers will pay £5 per class.
The price for attending both Salsa (7.30 to 8.30pm) and Jive (8.30 to 10.45pm) will then be only £8.50
Please get in touch to book your Beginner Salsa places.

Beginner courses in Nottingham
We will no longer be doing beginner lessons on a drop in basis in Nottingham.
Salsa, Modern Jive and West Coast Swing 4 week Beginner Courses will all be available
starting the first Monday or Tuesday in each month.
Courses will be priced at 4 nights for the price of 3:
Salsa £15, Modern Jive £19.50 and West Coast Swing £24.
Beginner Courses will be limited to a maximum of 10 dancers per month to improve
the quality of learning. On completion of a beginner course, or as an Intermediate dancer
you can then pay as you go at the normal weekly class price.

Beginner referral scheme
We would like to thank everyone that has recommended Pulse to their friends and family in the past.
We would like to reward your future help with a like for like reward scheme.
For every dancer you recommend that buys a new beginners course,
we will give you a free month of dancing to match!!!!
Example 1: You dance Modern Jive and recommend someone to start the Modern Jive Beginner course –
they buy 4 nights for the price of 3 and you get Modern Jive free for the same 4 weeks!!!
Example 2: You dance West Coast Swing and your friend wants to learn Salsa. No problem – they buy the beginner Salsa at 4 nights for the price of 3, you dance West Coast FREE for the same 4 weeks!!!

We very much appreciate your continued support and look forward to teaching and dancing with you in the future.

Paul, Becky & all the Pulse Crew :O)