It’s a very different day today with the sun shining and clear blue skies making me feel good to be alive …. and breathe!!!
It’s funny how some days your wake up and your knees hurting and you don’t get my exercise done, yet you feel fan-bloody-tastic!!! Which I’m choosing to believe is life’s way of telling me – I’m doing alright. That I’m on track. That I’m gonna achieve my goals for today, for the month, for my life. With this in mind I need to get my new business website up and running – Pulse-Proactive is going to be a site of resources and information. A site of inspiration and achievement for everyone that wants to join in.
The logo’s ready, training is booked to get the website and blog going. Now I just need to engage engines and get it off the grown and get some people to like it, to connect with my vision. This is one of a number of goals I’ve set myself recently and it’s all systems go. So the question then becomes … what goals have you set yourself lately? Or are you costing until you get retired and you have ‘more’ time. Is today the day to finally say – I’m gonna start writing my book, paint my picture, begin my new journey?
Success is defined as:
‘the realisation of an achievable goal’. What’s your achievable goal – small or large. You gotta know where you’re going, but not necessarily how you’re gonna get there. So pick a goal, do it today – in fact do it now. Set yourself an achievable goal and do something now that will bring it just a little bit closer. Make the choice to do something differently today and make your life outstanding.
Have an amazing day.
Love and peace,
Paul :O)
Our new website will soon be up and running and you can get more info here.